CSA 2009 – Week 20

CSA 2009 - Week 20

Last week of the summer share. Now we’re onto four weeks of an autumn share before we’re done.

CSA Bag Contents: butternut squash, potatoes, garlic, peppers, Hakurei turnips, Choi Sum, rosemary, collard greens, eggplant, cherry tomato, broccoli

See what we got in CSA 2008 Week 20.

1 Response to “CSA 2009 – Week 20”

  1. 1 Hip Mountain Mama October 26, 2009 at 10:46 am

    What a gorgeous photo. We did a CSA for several years, but opted to not do it this summer. We expanded our garden so felt like we didn’t need it, but I missed it! Not just the food, but the community aspect of it. Needless to way we will be participating in a CSA next year!

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