Archive for the 'CSA 2006' Category

WIP Friday

WIP Friday - Dinner

It’s finally gotten cold around here so we’re having one of the greatest cold weather comfort foods for dinner — beef stew. These are just the veggies — obviously — and not even all of them. Everything is cooking now and it sure smells good in here. We’ll be breaking up some crusty bread and having quite a feast.

Welcome and A Year in Review

I’ve been seeing a bit of a traffic surge here at Mama Urchin in the last few days due, in large part, to my recent whiplash win over at Whip Up. Thanks so much Kath for choosing my little pea as one of the winners. And thanks also go to Blair for such a fun idea that I only adapted. Wow, this is starting to sound like the academy awards, and I’d like to thank Jill at my LYS for helping me select the yarn…. Seriously though, thank you.

And, I figured since there might be some new folks hanging around I would share a mosaic of some of the notable creations of 2006. I’ve been meaning to do one of these anyway and, with all the new traffic, now seemed like the perfect time. The links will take you to the flickr photos — for more information about each project you’ll just have to poke around.

2006 - In Review

1. Hat and Scarf, 2. Bomber Baby Hat, 3. Stitchette, 4. Tulle Bag, 5. Little Pea, 6. Pom-Pom Sweater, 7. Hat Stack, 8. Aran Pullover, 9. Dinner Last Night, 10. Autumn Dinner, 11. Pillow, 12. Felted Bag, 13. Bolero, 14. Card Box, 15. Scrapbook in a Tin, 16. Mini Scrapbook, 17. Father’s Day Book, 18. Finished Scarf, 19. dream, 20. Baby Bonnet, 21. Mini Flower, 22. Bunny Slippers, 23. Felt Beads, 24. Final Product – Hand-dyed Yarn, 25. Felted Flower

Created with fd’s Flickr Toys.

CSA Tuesday – 24

CSA Week 24

Well, this is it, the end of the season. Just 24 weeks ago we started and we’ve eaten very well in between. We have enough eggs and sweet potatoes to last us a little while but then it will be back to buying all our produce at a store. The farm is being put to bed for the winter and I hope our farmers will get some much needed rest.

CSA Bag Contents: Mixed Greens, Arugula, Dill, Mini Pumpkin, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Sweet Potatoes, Potatoes, 1 doz. eggs

CSA Tuesday – 23

CSA Week 23

So only one more week of the CSA and then I’ll have to start buying eggs at the grocery again. Sorry for the sporadic posting, things have been a little crazy here, more on that later. Anyway, we got lots of autumn goodness today and tomorrow we’ll be having soup for dinner using lots of it.

CSA Bag Contents: Celeriac, Mixed Greens, Cilantro, Carrots, Potatoes, Broccoli, 1 doz. eggs

CSA Tuesday – 22

CSA Week 22

So the CSA is starting to wind down, just two more weeks after today. Lots of greens this week. We’ll probably use the napa cabbage to make an asian slaw. I’m not sure all the mustard greens and asian greens will be used. If I have time I’ll try to chop them and freeze them. But radishes, yum, we’ll definitely be eating them.

CSA Bag Contents: Asian Greens, Napa Cabbage, Mustard Greens, Sweet Potatoes, Radishes, Pie Pumpkin, Sage, 1 doz. eggs

CSA Tuesday – 21

CSA Week 21

Um, yeah, it’s Monday and I’m just getting to my CSA Tuesday post from last week. My goodness, that was a very unintentional blogging break and I apologize. Stefan was away and that always makes everything a little more difficult. Anyway, here’s what we got last week.

CSA Bag Contents: Butternut Squash, Potatoes, Celeriac, Asian Greens, Carrots, 1 doz. eggs

CSA Tuesday – 20

CSA Week 20

Wow, 20 weeks, that’s incredible. Well, we got our first frost over the weekend and apparently some of the greens suffered for it. We also got confirmation that these are the very last tomatoes of the year. I really need to start using potatoes, more soup maybe?

CSA Bag Contents: Tomatoes, Rosemary, Potatoes, Eggplant, Sweet Potatoes, Peppers, Salad Greens, Asian Pears, 1 doz. eggs

CSA Tuesday – 19

CSA Week 19

What’d I tell you about the bags not getting smaller? I love how even the chickens know it’s Autumn so they’re slowing down — only eight eggs this week. I think we’ll be doing some sort of asian eggplant thing for dinner one night this week what with the thai basil, japanese eggplant, and lemongrass. And we got more pears, I’m so glad we’re getting them this year. I guess a neighboring farm has the pear trees and have had a bumper crop this year so they are sharing the bounty with our farm for the CSA. Isn’t that great? And I was surprised to see the little yellow cherry tomatoes this week, they’ll be in Katrina’s lunchbox tomorrow. The greens have started to arrive and even though that means collards and turnip greens — things we have trouble using — it also means fresh salad greens which we love. It’s shaping up to be a yummy week.

CSA Bag Contents: Cherry Tomatoes, Thai Basil, Potatoes, Japanese Eggplant, Kohlrabi, Peppers, Salad Greens, Greens, Acorn Squash, Asian Pears, 3/4 doz. eggs

CSA Tuesday – 18

CSA Week 18

Welcome to the Autumn share, now it’s going to be all about roots and greens. Well, I guess not really all about that but a lot more about it at least. I think this might be the last tomatoes we see, they were identified as tomato-type objects on our list this week. We got our first sweet potaotes today and while I never was a big fan of them previously I really do like mashed sweet potatoes, especially with pork. Hmmm, sounds like dinner later this week.

CSA Bag Contents: Tomatoes, Rosemary, Sweet Potatoes, Eggplant, Celeriac, Peppers, Potatoes, Fennel, Flowers, 1 doz. eggs

CSA Tuesday – 17

CSA Week 17

So this week was the last week of the summer share. Now, about half of the people who participate in our farm’s CSA will stop getting veggies each week — they don’t know what they’ll be missing. I will admit that more greens will be coming and we do have trouble using all of them but there will also be squash, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, and lots of yummy fall goodies. And, even though the harvests may be getting smaller, there are fewer people so the bags stay the same and towards the end will get bigger as they pick everything that is pickable before shutting down for the winter. We know a good deal when we see one so our bags will keep coming until the middle of November.

CSA Bag Contents: Tomatoes, Basil, Sweet Potato Greens, Eggplant, Garlic, Peppers, Potatoes, Butternut Squash, Asian Pears, Flowers, 1 doz. eggs

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